Hey Jeff, really nice to encounter some writing from you here! I'll be interested to see if your piece garners the attention it deserves. Readers on Medium seem scared to take on longer pieces (their attention spans range mostly between 3 to 5 minutes.) I hope they do. This was a highly engaging story, one filled with a lot of guilty pleasure as I snickered at the pompous a**hole. As always, your writing is top notch. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire piece.
I know you are fairly new to Medium. There are some formatting "traditions" here that help one's stories get read. If you are interested, there are posts that explain these. Also, I'm happy to answer any navigational questions you have. A couple of examples: Usually, each piece has a Title, followed by a Sub-Title (each in their appropriate font size) followed by an Introductory Image (attributed to its source and copyright free). Not to be overly conformist, but following these guidelines is really effective for gaining readership.
In the meantime, I just want to repeat -- I thoroughly love your writing. It stands out here on Medium as quality work. I hope you'll offer more of it here. And I highly recommend submitting it to a "publication" for wider distribution. Again, if you have any questions at all about doing this, let me know!