I thought your article was a nice fresh take on "the Medium Experience". Maybe we just share very similar processes and work habits, and even goals on Medium, but I found myself in great and maybe complete agreement with every one of your points. I tend to be a scheduled and organized type of writer. I love your principles of engagement, too. Usually I do an automatic Follow for a Follow, not because someone asks, but because they've taken the time and risk to follow me. I am slower to request an e-mail notification, saving those for writers I really do like to read often. Occasionally I'll Follow someone who just claps for a post, if I think they might have an ongoing interest, but I don't feel obligated. And it is wonderfully AMAZING how often someone I follow and clap for at least gives my work a look. Gosh, this is getting long. Oh well, that's supposed to give your piece a longer reading time from a member, so that's a good thing!