Yes, of course. I should have done that, since I could tell you're new here. If you have any questions about navigating the site, let me know. I'm happy to help. It took me a while to figure things out. First, I'm going to add you as a writer. I'll let you know when that's done. Then, just go into your story, at the top click on the three dots near the top - in the menu, click on Add To Publication - a list should pop up of all publications you belong to - click on This Unexplained Life - then when the screen shifts, click on SUBMIT to Publication. I will see the submission. I may make minor edits for formatting and consistency with the publication (nothing to change your story) and then Publish it. Normally, I need to get your story in draft form, but since this one was just published today, it will show up as the most recent story in the publication, and that's what I need. So now, I'll go and add you as a writer .... be right back.